Alla fine degli anni Novanta in Cina si verificano grandi cambiamenti: i valori occidentali cominciano a influenzare quelli tradizionali. Anche la giovane Qingqing attraversa una fase di passaggio: sulla soglia dell’adolescenza, la bambina vive con la madre in una città della regione di Wuhan, mentre il padre, che lavora a Shenzen (zona trainante dell’economia cinese), torna a casa solo una volta al mese. Qingqing scopre la relazione di sua madre con un’amica, segreto che, se venisse svelato, porterebbe al disfacimento della sua tranquilla vita familiare, e compie una scelta.
In 1997 China is a place of great transitions. The control of Hong Kong has just returned to the mainland. Western values are beginning to impact traditional Chinese values. During this difficult period, 11-year-old Qingqing is also in a time of transition. On the cusp of her adolescence, she lives with her mother in the peaceful city of Wuhan. Her father, who works in Shenzhen (China’s first special economic zone) comes home only once a month. Qingqing and her friends are beginning to discover the opposite sex, and they started to compare their experiences each other. When Qingqing discovers her mom’s oddly close relationship with a female friend, she starts stalking them, with the aim of discovering a secret that she thinks is going to unravel her peaceful family life, and all her burgeoning conceptions about love, sex, and female desire.