FESTIVAL – Lesbian Cultural Association Visibilia

Lesbian Cultural Association Visibilia
CF 92032580372
IBAN: IT76 N035 8901 6000 1057 0714 506

The general Meeting of Members is called on Monday, April 8th at 10 p.m.in first call, and in second call on Sunday, April,14th 2019, at 2.30 p.m.at Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Rome. With the following agenda:

  • Approval of: 2018 Report and 2019 Estimate
  • Social Statute Adjustment
  • Any other business

Executive Committee

The Lesbian Cultural Association Visibilia has her origins in 1989 in Bologna, with the aim of enhancing, disseminating and boosting up culture, arts, policy, thinking, dignity, freedom, rights, work and expertise of women of any sexual orientation or social condition with particular reference to lesbian women, which are heavily discriminated and ridiculed throughout history in every society and culture. Our Association struggles against any form of violence perpetrated against women.

Visibilia identifyes the key-factor for a real change in the relationship between women and economy, and therefore considers it essential for their social, cultural, political and economic impact, that women have greater employment and best professional qualification. For this purpose, it promotes several activities, that are aimed at including women in the labour market and also in creative work, and makes women aware of those jobs that are usually precluded to them and of entrepreneurial and cooperative forms.

To achieve such purposes, our Association proposes to:
– carry out and promote activities to produce and disseminate women’s Culture;
– affirm and consolidate existential, civil, social and political women’s rights, encouraging the assertion of women’s identity in their work, in professional, artistic and craft activities and in every moment of social life;
– carry out training and refresher courses;
– organize working groups about political, economic, social, cultural and educational problems;
– carry out events, debates, art and cinema exhibitions in order to reach our cultural and social goals.

Excerpt from the Lesbian Cultural Association Visibilia’s Statute
